Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Find the Silence - Day 17

Day 17

in silence
a tree crashes to the ground
no body to hear

rainforest changing
it’s voice strangely silent
animals vanish

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Finding Silence Day 12

Day 12
 Carpe Diem First Winter Retreat 2016 the kick off - find the silence

quiet evening
stringing cranberries
tree lights twinkle

bitter cold evening
moonlight strokes the pillow
outlining your hair

Friday, November 25, 2016

Finding Silence Day 11

Day 11 

after angry words
silence between us growing
widening the gape

late at night
the silence stirred
by moonlight

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Finding Silence - Day 10

Day 10
Carpe Diem First Winter Retreat 2016 the kick off - find the silence

after the guests leave
when dishes are all cleaned up
we gather to talk

late at night
when silence falls on the house
the cats invade 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Finding Silence- day 8

Day 8

 in the serene woods
every red leaf cries
pocket me

abruptly ending
my peaceful walk in the woods
fresh bear droppings

Finding Silence Day 9

Day 9

all morning 
Jason and the Scorchers 
needing solitude


familiar sounds 

blend with my imposed silence 
winter retreat

Monday, November 21, 2016

Finding the Silence - Day 7

Day 7

solitude broken
chasing me down the path
an autumn leaf 

afternoon hush
sunlight kisses hemlock tree
forming lucent web 

after we part
just sunlight and crunching leaves
to keep me company

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Find the Silence -Day 6

Day 6 -

rainbow smoke
rising above the mountains
painting  the skyline
from the fire's destruction
only an eerie silence

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Find the Silence Day 5

Day 5 November 18

first frost
in the secrecy of night
kisses the rose leaves

in winter woolens
bathing in the suns warmth

quiet afternoon

Find the Silence Day 4

Carpe Diem First Winter Retreat 2016 the kick off - find the silence

on silent wings
the great horned owl
swoops on his prey

skimming the horizon
the red tinged half moon
leaves us speechless

Friday, November 18, 2016

Find the Silence Day 3

Carpe Diem First Winter Retreat 2016 the kick off - find the silence

Day 3

late night
only the moon and bare branches
to talk to

middle of the night
you reach for my hand
in your sleep

Find the Silence

Find the silence Day 2

Carpe Diem First Winter Retreat 2016 the kick off - find the silence

silence broken
a murmuration of starlings
fills the treetops

hidden from sight
cricket's vibrato rises
with the full moon

silence of the night
last oak leaves are whisked away
I am alone

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Find the Silence

Carpe Diem First Winter Retreat 2016 the kick off - find the silence
Day 1

first frost of winter
the last rose whispers farewell
loneliness settles


walk in the woods
a single leaf sways
in the moonlight


deep silence
a single snowflake
kisses my cheek

Monday, November 14, 2016


Carpe Diem Tanka Splendor #12 Romance

This is not the romance of novels, but it's as romantic as my life gets.  Celebrating 23 years together.

walking in the woods
you gather leaves for me
and photograph birds
I trip and you steady me
your hand lingering with mine

a walk to the runnel
inuksuk in the dry creek bed
compel inspection
because they make me happy
you photograph all of them

autumn trek thru woods
we walk along in silence
listening to life
taking my hand you lean close
one soft kiss upon my lips

Carpe Diem Tanka Splendor #12 Romance

This is not the romance of novels, but it's as romantic as my life gets.  Celebrating 23 years together.

walking in the woods
you gather leaves for me
and photograph birds
I trip and you steady me
your hand lingering with mine

inuksuk in the dry creek bedcompel inspectionbecause they make me happyyou photograph all of them
a walk to the runnel

we walk along in silence
listening to life
taking my hand you lean close
autumn trek thru woods
one soft kiss upon my lips